Hello! I am honored to be part of the New Vistas School family. My name is Kelli Gajewski. I am from Virginia Beach, Virginia. I graduated from Randolph College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and Master’s Degree in Special Education. Currently, I am teaching 6th grade. The subjects I currently teach are: Barton, Language Arts, Mathematics, Physical Education & Health, and Resource. The resource class consists of Social Emotion Learning, Music, and Art.

Through my relationships and interactions at New Vistas, I have seen myself grow. The students educate me just as much as I am educating them. Teachers help shape the future of students by providing them life skills and knowledge to be successful in life. I look forward to growing, developing, and expanding my educational skills as I challenge myself to foster the positive development of each child daily at NVS!

To contact Ms. Gajewski via email: